Recycle Your Solar Eclipse Glasses!

  1. You can use any pair of solar eclipse glasses for free admission to a SFA Planetarium show on Saturday, April 13th and/or Saturday, April 20th, 2024. We are collecting as many solar eclipse glasses as we can as we will be sending them to students in other countries to view future solar eclipses. The solar eclipse glasses that you provide can be from any supplier even if you got them for free.
  2. Alternatively, you can donate your solar eclipse glasses by dropping them off at the ticket office of the Planetarium in the SFA STEM Building at 1720 Clark Blvd., Nacogdoches, TX 75962.
  3. Also, if you have a large collection of solar eclipse glasses, then you can mail them directly to one of the "Astronomers Without Borders" Collection Partners. Their mailing addresses are provided on this page: